Submitted by Dr Mark Leadbeater on Thu, 23/12/2021 - 00:00
Two CAPE Blue Sky Research projoects have been awarded to CPDS group members
- Label free multimodal biosensing based on guided mode resonance sensor (LMB-GMR) - Pawan Shrestha, Xin Chang
- Reconfigurable photonic crystal devices for wavelength-division multiplexing - Xin Chang, Mike Pivnenko, Pawan Shrestha
The CAPE Blue Sky Award gives the opportunity for early career researchers to undertake a pilot study in a new research area. Proposals should aim to demonstrate the potential to the CAPE Partners of a new technology, or the potential of an existing technology in a radically different application area. The awards are of maximum £15,000 to support staff, travel or equipment for postgraduate research over the 9 month project.